In 1976, this run down building used to be on the northeast corner of Kenmore and Wilson in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood. You have to enlarge this to appreciate all the details: It shows broken and boarded up windows, crime scene tape, overflowing garbage cans, an abandoned bed spring, leaning street signs, crumbling fascia, ripped awnings, broken shop signs, and a bar. In the window, ironically, you can also see a torn Chris Cohen for Alderman poster with the slogan, “A City is for Living.” A fascinating article about Cohen details the concerns of Uptown residents at the time.
Cohen characterized some day labor agencies as “slave labor.” He continued, “Some people want more park benches. They want abandoned cars removed, potholes in the street fixed, signs to regulate bicycle, bus and auto traffic, bulk trash removed, CTA platforms repainted. They have immigration problems, complaints about dogs, about garbage collection. They want new schools, sewers.”
Today, a parking lot stands on this same corner.