I found this young girl and her father outside their apartment. They were on their way to go food shopping if I remember correctly. When I asked if I could take their picture, he boosted her up on the back of their car. Like many of the families in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood in that era, they didn’t have much, but they had a lot of pride … in each other and what little their had. Their vehicle, though old at the time, was clean and lovingly maintained. My recollection is that they had moved to Chicago from the South to look for work. This was a common theme at the time for many who worked in the neighborhood. One writer at the time (not me) called Uptown “Hillbilly Heaven.” Note the tattoo on the man’s forearm. It says Dad. A reader wrote to say he thought this was at the Buena Park Circle Play Lot on Buena near Kenmore.