This shot was taken from the “L” platform over Wilson Avenue in Chicago’s Uptown Neighborhood just before Christmas in 1973, a couple months after the first OPEC oil embargo. There’s only one compact car among the hundreds on the street, a VW Bug headed eastbound toward Lake Shore Drive. I used a wider angle lens for this than some other shots taken from the same position, so you can see more businesses, especially those closer to the ‘L’. On the left, there was a Walgreens, an Army Recruiting Station, Bank of Chicago, the Lunch Pail, Uptown Pawners & Jewelers, a bowling alley, the Sheridan Plaza Hotel and more. On the right are Bissets Department Store, a block of smaller retail stores obscured by a large tree in the foreground, a church, a Burger King, and apartment hotels. Lake Shore Drive is in the background.